

Founder & Managing Partner


After completing his primary and secondary education, he graduated from Ankara University Law Faculty in 2004 with the title of high honor student in 2008, completed his internship education in Ankara Bar Association in 2009 and started to work as a lawyer by being registered with Ankara Bar Association.

He completed his military service as a Procurement Dispute Transaction Officer / Legal Officer as a Tender Commission Member and Tender Complaint Investigation Commission Member before MSB Istanbul Procurement Regional Directorate.

Murat Kaya is registered as a mediator in the Mediation Department of the Ministry of Justice. In addition, he continues his duties as bankruptcy management officer in terms of trustees and bankrupt companies. Murat Kaya also has the Patent Attorney’s authority.

He currently continues his post graduate education at Ankara University, Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Public Law, Department of Tax / Financial Law.

Murat Kaya, who has published articles on various fields of law, is also a speaker at various panels, symposiums and workshops.

He is married and has one child.


  • Undergraduate .: Faculty of Law, Ankara University
  • Graduate: Tax / Financial Law Department, Department of Public Law, Institute of Social Sciences, Ankara University

Memberships & Tasks

  • Mediator Registered to the Mediation Department of the Ministry of Justice
  • Patent Attorney
  • Bankruptcy Management Officer for Trustees and Bankrupt Companies


  • “Türk Hukukunda Cinsiyet Değişikliği ve Hukuki Sonuçları”, Mecmua, Ankara, 2008, s. 53-89
  • "Taşınmaz Malikinin Sorumluluğu”, 2009
  • “TCK Madde 301 Sorunu”, 2010
  • "Yabancı Yatırımcıların Türkiye’de Taşınmaz ve Sınırlı Ayni Hak Edinimi”, 2011
  • “Bakanlar Kurulu’nun Vergi Oranını Sıfıra İndirme Yetkisi ve Verginin Kaldırılması Sorunu”, 2012
  • "Devletin Nüfus Politikalarına Vergi İle Müdahalesi”, 2015
  • "Vergi Hukukunda Yasak Faaliyetlerin Vergilendirilmesi ve Kazanç Müsaderesi Sorunu”, 2015
  • "Mülkiyet Hakkı ve Vergilendirme İlişkisi”, 2016
  • “Vergi Anlaşmaları Kapsamında Vergi Mükelleflerinin Bireysel Başvuru Yolunu Kullanmaları”, 2017


  • "Hekimin Hukuki, Cezai ve İdari Sorumluluğu”, Türk Nöroşirurji Derneği 29. Bilimsel Kongresi, Antalya, 2015
  • "Mesleğe Yeni Başlayan Meslektaşların Sorunları”, Ankara Barosu Uluslararası Hukuk Kurultayı, Ankara, 2016
  • “İdari Yargıda İstinaf Usulü”, Ankara Barosu & Hukuk Akademi Derneği Ortak Paneli, Ankara, 2016